Telegram to Share User Data with Law Enforcement After CEO’s Arrest

Telegram to Share User Data with Law Enforcement After CEO’s Arrest

Sep 25, 2024

CEO Arrest Sparks Changes in Privacy Policy

Telegram, the popular messaging app, is altering its privacy policies after the arrest of its CEO and founder, Pavel Durov, in France last month. Durov was detained by French authorities over alleged criminal activities on the platform, including gang transactions and trafficking, and the company’s refusal to cooperate with law enforcement.

Criminal Concerns and Increased Scrutiny

Telegram, known for its commitment to user privacy and encryption, has amassed over 950 million users globally. However, its reputation has come under fire for enabling criminals, including drug traffickers, money launderers, and extremist groups like ISIS and White supremacists. Durov’s arrest has reignited debates about online privacy and criminal activity.

Telegram’s New Approach to Law Enforcement Requests

Following the arrest, Telegram has decided to hand over user data—such as IP addresses and phone numbers—when there are valid legal requests from authorities. This shift will be reflected in the app’s updated terms of service and privacy policy. Telegram also announced it will release quarterly transparency reports detailing the user data shared with law enforcement.

Tightening Moderation of Illegal Content

Durov admitted the platform’s rapid growth made it easier for criminals to exploit Telegram’s features, especially public channels and bots. In response, Telegram is using artificial intelligence to help moderators remove illegal content from its public search feature. Durov urged users to report any unsafe or illegal material found via the platform’s reporting tools.

Encryption Remains Intact

While these changes may curb criminal activities in public areas of Telegram, Durov clarified that private, end-to-end encrypted chats will remain secure. Telegram cannot access or decipher the content of these conversations, ensuring user privacy remains protected in private communications.

Impact on the French Investigation

It remains to be seen how Telegram’s new policy of sharing user data with law enforcement will impact the ongoing investigation in France. However, the platform’s decision to cooperate marks a significant shift in its approach to balancing privacy with legal compliance.

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